Nuke Cornerpin Reference frame: Create an in-built tab

Cornerpin reference frame: This document provides a Python script for setting the current frame as the reference frame in Nuke’s CornerPin2D node. The script includes a reference frame tab, a reference frame knob, and a PyScript button for setting the current frame. The script also includes functions to update the CornerPin2D node when the reference frame is changed or the current frame is updated.

How do I change the cornerpin reference frame normally (without this script)?

If you want to change the reference frame manually:

  1. You should go to the frame you want to set as a reference.
  2. go to the [From] tab – press the [Copy ‘to’] button
  3. select each tab and delete the animation (all four buttons)

I used to change my reference frame manually but soon realized that this was inefficient and a bit time-consuming. So I wrote a simple Python script built into the node so that I don’t have to run any other function without cornerpin2D and it’s just in its node.

How can I use this script?

Once you download and save this script in your, the cornerpin2D node will appear with the additional tab as shown below.

Nuke ‘’, ‘’ installation

What’s a, and why should I have one? by Ben Mcewan

Understanding and effectively using the CornerPin2D node in Nuke can be a game changer for visual effects artists. While manually adjusting the reference frame offers precision, the Python script offers a streamlined and efficient approach. By incorporating this script into your workflow, you not only save valuable time, but also minimize potential errors. As technology continues to evolve, the use of such scripts and tools ensures that artists remain at the forefront of the industry.

But, always remember to back up your work before applying new scripts to protect yourself from unforeseen problems!

If you have any problems with this code, please contact

#nuke #cornerpin #referenceframe

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